James Barry’s Books
James Petit Andrews, The Inquisitor (London, Hatchard, 1798).
Alexander Archibald, Universalism False and Unscriptural: An Essay on the Duration and Intensity of Future Punishment (Philadelphia, Presbyterian Board of Publication, 1851).
Chamber’s Encyclopaedia of Universal Knowledge for the People. London: W. and R. Chambers, 1860. Ten volumes (subscription)
Albert Barnes, Notes, explanatory and practical on the New Testament: designed for Sunday school teachers and Bible classes (New York, Harper & Brothers, 1840).
John Bunyan (1628-1688), Entire Works of John Bunyan, edited with original introduction, notes and memoir by Henry Stebbing (London, J. First, 1862). [Barry, in a 24 January 1865 entry, wrote “Complete Works”, but nothing with that title published until 1872]
Robert Burns, Fac-Simile of Burns’ Celebrated Poem entitled The Jolly Beggars (Glasgow, James Lumsden & Son, 1823). [he doesn’t note this edition, but he quotes from the poem 10 July 1871]
Father Chiniquy [Charles Pascal Telesphore], The Priest, the Woman, and the Confessional (Montreal, Grafton, 1875).
Jonathan Dickenson, The true Scripture doctrine concerning some important points of Christian faith: particularly, eternal election, original sin, grace in conversion, justification by faith, and the saints’ perseverance (Chambersburg PA, Robert & George Harper, 1800 [ca. 1740]). This is the British Library’s ed – archive.org has a later one)
George Dodd, Chambers History of the Revolt in India (London, W. & R. Chambers, 1859). [Barry called it Chambers History; Hathitrust page notes “On cover: Chamber’s History of the revolt in India]
James Durham, A commentarie upon the book of the Revelation: wherein the text is explained, the series of the several prophecies contained in that book, deduced (London, Company of Stationers, 1658). [Barry described this book as “a great deal of nonsense” – 27/03/1853]
Jonathan Edwards, “On Baptism” – probably Jonathan Edwards [1740], The “Miscellanies,” 833-1152 (WJE Online Vol. 20) , Jonathan Edwards Center, Yale University
Robert Fleming, The Fulfilling of the Scripture in three parts, two volumes, (Glasgow, Stephen Young, 1801 [1671]). [449 pp.]
Robert Fleming, Apocalyptical Key: An Extraordinary Discourse on the Rise and Fall of Papacy (London, Baynes, 1809 [1701]).
*new* J.A, Froude, The English in Ireland in the 18th Century (New York, Scribner, 1873).
Thomas Chandler Haliburton, Sam Slick in England, or The Attaché (London, George Routledge and Co, 1858).
Thomas Chandler Haliburton, The Clockmaker, or the Sayings and Doings of Sam Slick of Slickville (London, R. Bentley, 1838).
John Angell James, The Young Man’s Friend and Guide through Life to Immortality (London, Hamilton, Adams, & Co., 1852).
John R. Kelso, The Real Blasphemers (New York, Truth Seeker, 1883). [Sept 1883]
William Law, The Spirit of Love: Being an Appendix to the Spirit of Prayer, in a letter to a friend (London, W. Innys, 1752).
Phillipus van Limborch [1633-1712], The history of the inquisition, as it has subsisted in France, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Venice, Sicily, Sardinia, Milan, Poland, Flanders, &c. &c. With a particular description of its secret prisons, modes of torture, style of accusation, trial, &c. &c. Abridged from the elaborate work of Philip Limborch. Introduced by an historical survey of the Christian Church (London, W. Simpson & R. Marshall, 1816).
Thomas Babington Macaulay, History of England, (London, Longman, 1848) [first two volumes, purchases from James Dawson for 3s – later, in 1877, he binds 12 copies of all three volumes for Pictou bookseller, James McLean]
William McGavin, The Posthumous Works of the late William McGavin: Accompanied with a Memoir, including an autobiography, extracts from his correspondence, writings (Glasgow, Reid, 1834).
Maria Monk, Awful Disclosures of Maria Monk, a Narrative of Her Suffering at the Hotel-Dieu Nunnery of Montreal (London, Hodson, 1837).
James Morison, An Exposition on the Ninth Chapter of Paul’s Epistle to the Romans (Kilmarnock, John White, 1849). 569 pp.
“Kirwin” [pseud. Nicholas Murray, 1802-1861] Romanism at home: letters to the Hon. Roger B. Taney (New York, Harper, 1852).
Samuel Miller, An Essay, on the Warrant, Nature and Duties of the Office of the Ruling Elder, in the Presbyterian Church (New York: Jonathan Leavitt; Boston: Crocker and Brewster, 1831).
James Morison, Vindication of the Universality of the Atonement (Glasgow, A. Wallace & Co, 1861).
James Morison, The Nature of the Atonement, or the Answer to the Question, What is Atonement? Answered (Edinburgh, Paterson; and Kilmarnock, Muir & Davie, 1841). [not specifically identified, but on 22/11/1853 he says he bought “6 Morisonian books”, and on 3/12/1853 he says he’s reading a book on atonement and he’s a Morisonian!]
John N. Norton, The Life of General Washington (New York, Church Book Society, 1864). [not clear which ed.]
Thomas Paine, The Works of Thomas Paine, A Hero in the American Revolution (Philadelphia, Haskell, 1854). [Possibly this edition – 13/5/1883]
Alexander Smith Paterson, A Concise System of Theology: On the Basis of the Shorter Catechism (Edinburgh, John Johnstone, 1848).
O.S. Pratt, The Horse’s Friend: The Only Practical Method of Educating the Horse (Buffalo, For the Author, 1876).
Leopold von Ranke, The ecclesiastical and political history of the popes of Rome during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, Sarah Austin, trans., (London, John Murray, 1840).
Walter Scott, Sir. Tales of a Grandfather two volumes. (Edinburgh, Robert Cadell, 1836).
C. Smith, Geography on the Productive System (Philadelphia, 1836).
H. Spurgeon, Sermons Delivered in Exeter Hall (London, Alexander & Passmore, 1855).
Josiah Tyler, Livingstone’s life work; or, Africa and its explorers. A narrative of the life, travels, adventures, experiences, and achievements of Dr. David Livingstone (Hartford Conn, Columbian, 1875).
Henry Venn, The Complete Duty of Man, or, A System Doctrinal and Practical Christianity (Glasgow, Collins, 1828 [1763]).
William Wilberforce, A Practical View of the Prevailing Religious System of Professed Christians in the Higher and Middle Classes, Contrasted with Real Christianity (Glasgow, Collins, 1837).
“A Modern Syntax” [William Combe], The adventures of Doctor Comicus or The frolicks of fortune (London, R. Blake, 1828).
Charles Watts, Science and the Bible Antagonistic (London, C. Watts, 1874). [not clear that it’s this book 2 December 1883]
Thomas Whitmore, Memoir of the Rev. Walter Balfour (Boston, J.M. Usher, 1852).
John Campbell [“Principal”] Shairp, Robert Burns (London, Macmillan, 1885 [1879]).
“book on midwifery” [loaned to Dr Sutherland]
“book on Mechanics” [loaned to “The Doctor”]
Baron Swedenborg “The True Christian Religion” [ca 1780](12 March 1865)
The Eastern Chronicle (New Glasgow)
Pictou Standard (Pictou)
Halifax Citizen
British Colonist (Halifax)
Canada Evangelist (Hamilton, U.C.)
The Truth Seeker (New York). – June 1883 “a great paper it is – out and out infidels”.
Rebecca, I’m *very* sorry to have missed this. Your work sounds really interesting and I’d love to see more of it. Thanks for the kind words. Part of the pattern is no doubt related to conventional forms. If you look at what the Guelph Rural Diaries folks are seeing in their male diarists the pattern is very much the same. But surely too, as you suggest, part of the pattern are the habits of minds that think conventionally misogynistic, or simply sexist/biased, views.